Why is good nutrition essential for your dog?


"A person does not eat fast food every day either."


Author: Ella Sprengeman


Why good nutrition is essential for your dog

Have you ever wondered what should really be in your dog's food bowl? Your dog may wag enthusiastically at every kibble you put in front of him, but did you know that what he eats has a huge impact on his health, energy and longevity? Good nutrition is not only important for us humans, but also plays a crucial role in the life of your faithful four-legged friend. So, let's dive in: why is good nutrition so important for your dog?

Your dog is not a bin on legs

It is tempting to give your dog leftovers from the table. A piece of cheese here, a bite of pizza there. After all, your dog is looking at you with those big pleading eyes, and who can resist? But did you know that a lot of our food is actually not suitable for dogs at all? Things like onion, chocolate and even grapes can be toxic. And while a little cheese or chicken can sometimes do no harm, these often lack the essential nutrients your dog needs to thrive.
Dogs need a balanced diet just like us: a mix of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. But their needs are different from ours. What is healthy for us is not necessarily good for your dog. Imagine yourself eating nothing but fast food every day. You feel satisfied for a while, but in the long run? Not good.


What does good nutrition do for your dog?

Good nutrition is like fuel for your dog. Here are a few ways it makes a difference:

  1. A shiny coat and healthy skin

Notice that your dog sometimes suffers from dry skin or doff e coat? This could be due to his diet. Foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, such as fish oil, can help bring back that shine. Healthy skin also means less itching and less scratching. And let's face it, a happy dog without itching is much more fun, right?

  1. Energy to play (and go crazy!)

Whether your dog is a playful puppy or a laid-back senior, good nutrition gives him the energy he needs to enjoy life. High-quality food contains the right amount of calories and nutrients to keep him fi t and active, without making him overweight.

  1. Strong bones and teeth

The right amount of calcium and phosphorus keeps your dog's bones strong and his teeth healthy. This means not only that he plays and runs better, but also that his teeth last longer. And let's face it, fewer vet visits for dental problems saves you a lot of hassle too.

  1. A strong immune system

Just like with humans, good nutrition can help your dog prevent disease. A well-balanced diet is full of antioxidants that strengthen the immune system. A healthy dog is a happy dog!

"What is healthy for us is not necessarily good for your dog."

The dark side of bad food

Unnoticed, poor nutrition can have a negative impact on your dog. It can lead to obesity, heart problems, joint pain and even behavioural problems. A dog that does not get the right nutrients often does not feel at his best. Besides, many dogs are also allergic to certain nutrients in normal dog food, for those dogs, hypoallergenic dog food is often the solution.
And yes, cheap kibble seems convenient and affordable at first glance, but they are often filled with filler substances that offer your dog hardly any nutritional value. The result? More hunger, less energy and. let's say, more tidying up in the garden.

How to choose the right food?

Now you might be thinking, ‘OK, I get it, good nutrition is important. But how do I know what is good?’ Here are a few tips:

  1. Read the labels

Just as you would with your own food, it is important to know what is in your dog's food. Choose food with real, recognisable ingredients, such as meat, fish and vegetables. Avoid products with lots of chemical additives or vague terms like ‘meat by-products’.

  1. Consult with your vet

Every dog is different. What works for a German shepherd may not work for a chihuahua. Your vet can help you choose food that suits your dog's age, size and any health problems.

  1. Look at your dog

Your dog will show you whether he is comfortable with his diet. Pay attention to his energy, coat, weight and bowel movements. Everything in order? Then you're in the right place. Do you see changes, such as lethargy or stomach problems? Time to sound the alarm.

Curious about the best dog food for your buddy? We have made a comparison of the top 5 best dog food brands for your dog.

What about homemade dog food?

You might have thought about making your own food for your dog. This can be a great option, as long as you make sure the diet is complete and balanced. This means that you should not only feed meat, but also add things like vegetables and grains. But beware: putting together a dog meal requires knowledge. Consult a vet or nutrition expert before starting this.

It's all in the love

Your dog relies on you. His health, energy and longevity are in your hands. And the great thing is: by giving him good food, you show him how much you care. You are investing in his well-being and your time together. A happy, healthy dog also means a happy, relaxed owner.
So, next time you walk to the dog food shelf, take a moment. Look carefully at what you are buying. Because every bite your dog takes contributes to his health and happiness. And tell yourself, isn't that wagging tail totally worth it?

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