VIP Pup-Au-Pair

Our puppycoach coaches your youngest pet personally and intensively at your place in the wider area of Mechelen/Malines – Lier – Aarschot.

Do you love your sweetheart unconditionally and you want to give them without any doubt the best start in life, yet unfortunately you lack the time yourself or the possibilities to always be there for them? Especially for you we designed the intensive Pup-Au-Pair-program.

Our puppycoach coaches your dearest pet personally from A to Z at your house in the area of Mechelen/Malines – Lier – Aarschot, provides potty training, teaches them all the basics and additionally all the extras you’d like. For all this our dog trainer will visit your place nearly every day and we provide a balanced training of tasks and recuperation periods. Are you away from home for a longer period of time? Than you could combine this program with a dog walking service.

Train together with us or outsource it in full? Your choice.

You can opt to train together with us, or outsource everything to us in which case we need to reserve a certain amount of time at the end of the training to transfer the handling of your dog to you. We will also explain more to you about the body language and communication of your dog, so you’ll be able to develop a superb bond together.

Our knowledge, flexibility, discretion and expertise are the keys to success you are looking for to please your sweetheart.

Price: from € 879/week (excl. intake consultation)

We care about you!

For more information or an appointment in the greater area of Mechelen, Lier, Aarschot and Leuven, do not hesitate to contact us without any obligation.

Hazendreef 6,
3140 Keerbergen
Mechelen - Lier - Aarschot - Kontich - Lint - Berlaar - Sint-Katelijne-Waver - Bonheiden - Keerbergen - Haacht - Boortmeerbeek - Zemst - Putte - Heist-Op-Den-Berg - Tremelo - Rotselaar - Begijnendijk - Leuven